Sharp pain in one of the breasts, with some tenderness, has got you shivered down your spine, right? A lump in the breast is generally not the first or the only symptom for which you have to wait before visiting your doctor and get examined for breast cancer. Although there are no signs associated with breast cancer during the initial stages, early detection is instrumental in scripting a successful survivor's tale that inspires the world to fight this battle.
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
When you visit a health specialist for breast pain with tenderness, they may perform the following tests:-
Physical Examination
Your doctor will thoroughly examine your breast's skin and nipples for discharge. They may also feel your breast and armpits to determine any sort of lump.
PCR Master Mix
It is a rapid and highly sensitive method to detect circulating cancerous cells in both breasts. The PCR Master Mix test is done frequently during the treatment to understand the positive progress, and after the surgery to identify any recurrence of the tumor.
Medical History
Your doctor will ask you several questions related to your medical history. These include any medication you're taking or anyone in your blood relation who has or had breast cancer. Since breast cancer is related to one's genes, it is imperative to let your doctor know everything about your family's medical history.
MRI Scan
This is another noninvasive imaging test to identify the lump in the breast.
Early Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Early on, a woman may experience several changes in her breast, and these include:
➔ Change in the shape of your nipple
➔ Stubborn breast pain that stays for long, even after your period
➔ A minute to large lump in your breast
➔ Rash on your breast with redness
➔ Nipple discharge is yellow, red, or brown.
A lump with irregular edges is more likely to be cancerous. Sometimes these irregular edges can be the result of internal inflammation. To better understand the situation, seek guidance from the
Best Doctor in Dubai.
The advanced stage of breast cancer includes the following symptoms:-
● Enlargement of one breast
● Visible veins on the breast
● Vaginal pain
● Breast surface dimpling
● Retraction of the nipple
Having one or a combination of these symptoms doesn't mean you have breast cancer. For instance, nipple discharge may be because of an infection.
What are The Causes of Breast Pain & Tenderness?
We often associate pain with something wrong in the body. Therefore, whenever we experience pain and tenderness in our breasts, we tend to perceive it as cancer. Strangely, there are several other reasons for this pain; these may include:
● The fluctuation of hormones during the menstruation cycle of the woman.
● Birth control pills
● Wearing a bra that doesn't fit well
● Breast cyst
● Stress
● Large breast
● Infertility treatments
It is essential to consult your doctor for a complete evaluation of any of these signs and symptoms. They may prescribe you several tests to determine the reason; you can consider affordable lab testing for your comfort.
Stages of Breast Cancer
The following are the stages of breast cancer:-
Stage 0:
When the tumor is confined to the breast ducts, and hasn't spread to the nearby tissues. The odds of recovering are maximum for patients in this stage.
Stage 1:
Stage 1A: When the size of the tumor is 2 cm wide or less, and lymph nodes haven't been affected.
Stage 1B: When the size of the tumor is less than 2 cm, and it is near the lymph nodes.
Stage 2:
Stage 2A: When the size of the tumor is less than 2cm, and one to two lymph nodes have been affected, or when the tumor size is greater than 2cm, but the lymph nodes are not involved.
Stage 2B: When tumor size is between 2 to 5cm, and one to two lymph nodes have been affected, or the size is greater than 5cm, while the lymph nodes are not involved.
Stage 3:
Stage 3A: When the tumor has affected 4 to 9 axillary lymph nodes or the tumor size is greater than 5cm.
Stage 3B: The stage of breast cancer when the tumor has spread to the chest wall or skin may or may not affect up to nine lymph nodes.
Stage 3C: The tumor is found in ten or more auxiliary lymph nodes.
Stage 4:
In the fourth and final stage of breast cancer, the cancerous cells may have spread to the nearby lymph nodes and even the organs. The doctor will first confirm whether you've got a breast tumor, and then recommend various other tests to know the cancer stage, because it broadly determines the treatment plan.
Treatment of Breast Cancer
Depending upon the type of breast cancer, the treatments can vary. However, below are standard practices to combat breast cancer:-
This is the most prevalent treatment for the majority of cancer types. It makes use of anti-cancer drugs to interfere with cells' production capacity of cancer cells.
This method makes use of x-ray traditions to kill the tumor directly.
Target Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy is advised if genes are responsible for the production of cancerous cells.
It is a surgical procedure under which the lump is removed from the breast. If you're worried about your breast pain, then clear your doubt by making an appointment with your doctor today!
Author Bio (Guest Author)
My name is Dipika. I am a professional and dedicated medical writer with more than a decade of experience in the industry. I am meticulous in my research to present complex medical facts, figures, and concepts in a comprehensible manner. Keeping my followers updated of the latest on what's happening in the medical industry is my passion. Stay tuned to read many such high-quality blogs.
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