Pros and Cons of Getting a Beard Transplant

pros and cons of beard transplant

A burly beard is often seen as one of the sexiest characteristics a man could have. However, not everyone is able to grow out a full beard. This all comes down to genetics and sometimes even environmental factors. So, what can you do if you are unable to naturally grow out a full beard?

Well, while this can be quite heartbreaking, do not despair! There is always the option of going through a beard transplant! This procedure can transform your cute baby face into a manly appearance with a full beard. But, like all hair transplants, a beard transplant will involve removing hair usually from the back of your head to be inserted into the neck, chin, or cheeks.

Facial hair can make a big difference

Some medical risks are involved with this procedure, not to mention that the procedure overall can be quite expensive. Plus, the insurance will probably not cover the cost. With that said, there are some alternatives that you could consider as well. Here you have a simple explanation of the typical pros and cons of getting a beard transplant.

Why you should get a beard transplant

The medical field has been advancing in this domain for quite some time, and with years of proven results, going through a beard transplant means that you could possibly be able to grow a full beard naturally. This is because a beard transplant means that they will be using your own hair to create the most natural-looking results.

Depending on the size and area of the transplant, this procedure can be quite short, and usually, it is not painful. Of course, if you are doing a full beard transplant, then you should be ready for hours of this procedure.

During the prep, your surgeon will remove hair from one part of your body in order to closely resemble your beard. This is often done at the back of your head, where the hair is the thickest and similar in texture to your beard.

However, keep in mind that not all beard transplants are the same. Today, surgeons tend to choose between two of the most common approaches, depending on what you need.

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FUE, the Follicular Unit Excision. This is the most common form of hair transplant surgery. It is done in a couple of steps:

a) The donor and recipient areas will be cut in order to create the removal and insertion of your hairs much easier.
b) Your surgeon will then drill small holes into your face where the transplant is necessary.
c) As the surgeon removes individual hairs from your scalp, he/she will ensure that the follicle is intact.
d) These follicular units will then be implanted in the holes on your face.

Your surgeon might also choose the FUT approach, the Follicular Unit Transplantation. But this will be discussed with you before the surgery takes place. In some cases, a combination of both procedures could be used to create the perfect results.

One thing to keep in mind is that today the hair transplant results will look a lot better and more realistic when compared to the hair plugs in the past. So if you are afraid of everything looking fake, just talk to your doctor about this!

The pros of a beard transplant 

1) Natural-looking results, not like hair plugs! Over 90% of patients who undergo the beard transplant procedure are satisfied with the natural-looking results.
2) Beard transplant surgery does not last long and is considered an easy treatment. It is a surgery, but it does not require you to take breaks to properly heal for months. 
3) You can expect a quick and slick healing process. Within just a few days the holes on your face will fall off, and in three to four weeks the hairs that were transplanted will fall out as well. But after that, a new beard will start growing!
4) A full beard has shown to help men build their confidence and more often than not, it makes you look more attractive. Though, this depends on each individual’s personal preferences. 

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The cons of a beard transplant

1) Both FUE and FUT will result in permanent scarring. Usually, the scarring will be worse with FUT because it uses a strip of tissue. When your donor site heals, the wound will definitely become a scar. With that said, the scar can be covered with existing hair, so this is not fully a con because there is a workaround!
2) Overharvesting is another con, but this mostly happens if you do not have a skilled surgeon performing the surgery. If your surgeon takes too many hair follicles from one site, that can result in bald spots.
3) Another complication can include necrosis of the donor or recipient site. This happens when the circulation to that area is reduced greatly, and the wound is sealed way too tightly.
Final Words

One thing a lot of patients tend to forget is that this is a very costly surgery. If you are interested in going through this procedure, you should first talk about the price of everything and then discuss the details with your surgeon.

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