Should You Go To College? Answer These Questions First

Should You Go To College

Deciding whether to go to college or not is a big one. It could change the course of your life and determine your future success. However, it’s not as easy as people think. Attending college is essential for certain careers, but it will land you in a large amount of debt before you have even started earning. Answer the following questions before you decide on what to do. 

Do you know what you want to do? 

This is probably the most important question you can ask before attending college. If you know what you want to do with your life and you know what qualifications you need, the answer is easy. However, if you have no idea what you want to do, you could end up wasting years learning useless information. The problem is, it can take years to work out what you want to do with your life. Answering this question will take some soul-searching, but it’s important to spend time thinking about it. If you need more time, you could take a gap year and try a few things out. 

Are you going because others are expecting you to? 

Many people go to college because it’s expected of them. Some parents push their kids into attending college. However, you should only go to college if it’s the right decision for you. Don’t feel like you are letting someone down if you choose a different path in life. To make this decision, you need to take yourself away from other people’s advice and think critically about what you want from your life. 

Do you like school enough to go through four more years? 

College is a lot like high school, just a lot harder. If you don’t enjoy school, you might not enjoy college. However, this really depends on your reasons for not liking school. If you don’t like school because you don’t have many friends, college is a great opportunity to meet new people. If you don’t like school because you don’t like studying, taking exams, and writing essays, college might not be the best choice for you.

Do you need to earn now? 

In many ways, college is a luxury. If you need to earn money now to look after a family, you might want to get straight into employment. If you can afford to go through college and you get a good grade at the end, you should earn enough for it to be worthwhile. There is also a lot of financial aid available for people to attend college. 

Have you got the right grades? 

To attend college, you need good grades in high school. College might not be the best course of action if you don’t have the right grades to get into a school you want to attend. However, it’s worth considering if there is another way to get into colleges, such as ASM sports scholarships or community college diplomas. 

Are you planning to study or party? 

Some people go to college because it looks amazing in the movies. The problem is, attending college is an extremely expensive way to get drunk and party. You should only attend if you are serious about studying. There will be time to have fun, but you need to study if you want to succeed. 

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