If you observe a small, soft lump on the skin, it could be a lipoma, a benign tumor of fat cells. The lumps usually develop under the skin in the upper layer in different areas such as the neck, shoulders, torso, back, and on the arms. Other types of lumps like cysts, sebaceous hyperplasia caused by overgrowing oil glands, and abscesses are usually lipomas with some very remote chances of being malignant. Lipomas may also indicate some underlying inflammatory disease or systemic disorder. Lipomas are quite unsightly because of their size, which can vary between 2 inches and 6 inches or bigger.
Lipoma lump removal surgery by a plastic surgeon is the most effective way to eliminate the lump.
Identifying lipoma
Lipoma is a round or oval lump on the skin with a symmetrical contour giving a doughy and soft touching feeling. When you press the lump lightly, it might even move slightly. Since most lipomas usually form on the uppermost layer of the skin and do not impact the nerves, these usually do not cause pain. However, some lipomas do cause tenderness and a feeling of slight pain. Only lipomas on the joints and those that pressure the nerves or contain blood vessels are painful.
Removing lipoma
You can live with lipoma if you are sure it's benign, does not interfere with your mobility, and does not affect your appearance. Only a dermatologist can confirm whether the lipoma is benign or malignant such as liposarcoma. However, most people would like to remove lipoma mainly for cosmetic reasons. Although dermatologists or some other doctors convenient with minor surgical procedures can remove lipoma through excision or cutting out, plastic surgeons are most competent for undertaking the surgery. Only plastic surgeons can ensure that lipoma removal does not affect your appearance adversely, especially if the lump is on some of the most visible parts of the body, such as the face, neck, and hands.
Addressing the cosmetic concerns
Naturally, those undergoing lipoma removal procedures are concerned about the outcome as there is a risk of bruising and scarring. The doctor executes the procedure under local anesthesia, and the size of the incision depends on the size of the lump, as a bigger lump removal requires a bigger incision. General anesthesia is necessary for removing deep-rooted lipomas.
Plastic surgeons have the necessary expertise to perform the surgery with a high degree of precision that causes minimum scarring and bruising without denting the cosmetic appeal.
Usually, lipoma removal is a day-care procedure, and the surgical process is entirely pain-free, allowing patients to resume their normal activities later during the day. It's better to get the procedure by a plastic surgeon because sometimes it might be necessary to remove a small slice of skin along with the lump to ensure complete extraction.
Lipoma removal prevents recurrent growth at the same place, but some lipomas might appear later at some other place on the body. It is strongly recommended that you consult a reputed surgeon before you take any step.
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