10 Healthy Foods to Control Diabetes (2025)

What should I eat to prevent diabetes?

Almost every one of us has heard about diabetes and has a general idea of what it means. The common belief among diabetic patients is that they need to avoid sugar and sugar-rich foods such as candies, chocolates, and more. But, the truth is more complex. Now, you might be thinking ‘what should a diabetic patient eat'? Although the foods that diabetic patients need to be avoided may seem endless, there is plenty of healthy foods that diabetics can eat freely, which not only regulate their blood sugar but also cut down the risk of diabetes-related complications. From now, every time you go to the supermarket, take this list along with you.

10 Top Healthy Foods to Prevent Diabetes in 2025

#1 Spinach

All types of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are great for diabetics.  The low-carb & low-calorie nature of these cruciferous vegetables combined with their high antioxidant potential makes them perfect for beating severe illness. According to recent studies, it was reported that a 14% reduction in developing Type 2 diabetes observed when leafy green vegetables were a part of one’s regular diet.

However, spinach is a rich source of calcium, fiber, vitamin A and low calories food. A calorie is considered as a unit of energy that people get from food and drinks. Keep in mind every person needs calories which depend upon age and activity levels. You can use a calorie calculator that helps you to calculate how many calories are required each day. Apart from this, spinach is super-low in calorie, and the food that has calories are usually responsible for maintaining blood sugar levels. Moreover, this online calorie intake calculator provides seven days cycle for calorie intake to maintain, mild loss, and extreme weight loss which plays a significant role for control diabetics. Low-calorie foods help to maintain your weight, by using a calorie calculator you can estimate how many calories required in a day to maintain or lose your weight. 


#2 Blueberries

Being rich in antioxidants, phytoflavinoids, and anthocyanins, Blueberries are highly praised for significantly reducing the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Consuming a small bowl of blueberries daily can also help you fight against obesity, aging, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and cancer as well. In a research, it was found that consuming blueberries for a period of 5-6 weeks can significantly improve your metabolism. A single cup of blueberries contains protein (1.1 g), fiber (4gm), calcium (9mg), iron (.41mg), magnesium (9 mg), zinc (.24 mg), potassium (114 mg), sodium (1mg), vitamin C (14.4 mg), calories (84), carbs (22 g), etc. 


#3 Egg Whites

Low in calories and carbohydrates but high in protein, egg whites are helpful in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes. Being rich in potassium, egg whites are also helpful in regulating blood pressure levels. In a study conducted by the American Chemical Society, it was found that a peptide called RVPSL is found in egg whites that helps in reducing and maintaining the blood pressure level. 

Egg Whites

#4 Fish

Omega-3 fatty acid present in fish like herring, mackerel, and salmon not only reduces the risk of heart diseases, but the combination of protein and fat slows down the absorption of carbs, which helps in maintaining stable blood sugar under control.


#5 Oatmeal

Rich in soluble fiber, oatmeal helps in blocking hunger pangs. Also, it helps in blocking the absorption of carbs which keep your blood sugar level stable.


#6 Tomatoes

The flavonoids & carotenoids present in tomatoes act as great anti-inflammatory & antioxidant agents which lower the risk of chronic ailments, heart conditions, cholesterol problem, and other signs that lead to diabetes. This non-starchy vegetable also maintains your blood sugar level.


#7 Red Onions

Packed with powerful antioxidants such as capsaicin, quercetin, and flavonoids, red onions fight effectively against chronic diseases like diabetes.

Red Onions

#8 Avocado

Packed with beneficial monounsaturated fat, avocado slows down digestion and keeps the blood sugar under control.


#9 Almonds

According to recent research, regular consumption of almonds can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


#10 Whole-Grain Bread

Eating whole-grain bread can improve your sensitivity to insulin.

Whole-Grain Bread

If you also know some healthy foods to control diabetes, please don’t forget to share it with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

#1 What fruits should you avoid in diabetes?

If you have diabetes, you should try to avoid eating these fruits or consume them in very less quantity - 1) Mangoes 2) Kiwi 3) Pineapple 4) Raisins 5) Figs 6) Cherries 7) Lychees 8) Sweetened Cranberries 9) Grapes 10) Banana. Having these fruits in excess amount may increase your blood sugar level. 

#2 What should I avoid drinking and eating in diabetes? 

Here is a complete list of foods and drinks that you should avoid eating in diabetes - 1) sugar-sweetened beverages 2) peanut butter, spreads, muffins, and creamers 3) white bread, rice, and pasta 4) sweetened breakfast cereals 5) fruit-flavored yogurt 6) flavored coffee drinks 7) dried fruit 8) honey 9) french fries 10) red meat

#3 What fruits are high in sugar content?   

Many health experts recommend diabetic patients to avoid consuming fruits that have high sugar content such as - Mangoes (45 grams of sugar), Grapes (a cup full of grapes will have 23 grams of sugar), Cherries (A cup of them will have 18 grams), Pears (1 medium size will have 17 grams of sugar), Figs (2 medium-size will have 16 grams of sugar), Bananas (a medium-size banana contains 14 grams sugar), etc. 

#4 Which fruits are low in sugar for diabetics? 

If you have diabetes, you should eat those fruits that are low in sugar content. Many health experts recommend consuming papayas, strawberries (A cup of them contains only 7 grams of sugar), raspberries (only 5 grams of sugar), avocados (1 piece contains only 1.33 grams of sugar), and guavas (each piece contains just 5 grams of sugar). 

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